Monday, November 15, 2010

Liley and Christie

Liley, Liley.....
For Christie, Liley is always so unreachable.....

-Play the game. And I'll be watching you.-
Said Liley.

Christie and Liley are like best friends.
But what are best friends?
Do best friends never have any negativity towards each other?
Because then they won't be.
But they know each other.
Very well.
Very well, too well to even know each other's side which the other one dislikes.
They hate each other.
But do you know that hate is a pained love?

Christie is a cheerful person.
She can never lies : that she's almost never sad.

Liley is a calm and cold person.
She prefers to observe laughters, rather than laughing together.
She is the role of an observant.

Christie feels she's always faking her feelings.
That she always wears the mask of smile and laughter.
Sometimes she wants to appear like Liley, and shows her true feelings.
But she can never be.

Christie is a realist.
Christie knows what is her strength and weakness.
Christie also knows that we cannot have everything.
But Christie is always afraid that she will make Liley sad.

Liley is a free person.
Liley does many things.
Liley can be anything.
Liley always knows everything.
Liley is the perfect figure.
The figure Christie always wants to be.

Liley and Christie love almost everything.
But sometimes Christie thinks that much of their love are fake.
That they don't really love it actually.
That they only believe that they love it.

In making decisions,
They often fight.
Christie knows what's best, even though she may sacrifice her other love for that.
Liley believes that everything can be achieved.
Liley wants to fight for what she really loves.
But Christie says that she has to know the size of her palms, and how much water she can fill in her hands.

Sometimes they find a middle road.
But sometimes Liley wins.
But often Christie wins.

Even though Christie is happy with her decision, she always wishes that she could have understood Liley better.

It's not that Christie hates her decisions. Or regret it, no.
She loves her way, yet she hates that her way is different from Liley.
She hates that she loves it.

Why Liley, why do you always have to whisper "It should have been that way"?
And why?
Why do Christie always wants to be Liley?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Phew! Kombinasi Makanan Teraneh~

Phew! Setelah hectic-hectic urusan kuliah, urusan kos, urusan gitar dan orkes beres, akhirnya gw bisa sedikit santai dan meluangkan waktu untuk kembali merawat blog tercinta ini.... Maaf ya blog, saya lama meninggalkanmu sendirian.

Soal makanan teraneh ini, sebenarnya sudah pengen gw post dari beberapa minggu lalu, namun berhubung belum dapet momentum yang pas, akhirnya molor sampai hari ini.

Ini cerita minggu pertama gw di UI, tepatnya tanggal 14 Agustus 2010 pas lagi sibuk-sibuknya nyanyi paduan suara.

Soal makanan aneh, pasti para mahasiswa terutama anak kos-an pernah mengalami or at least pernah denger. Tapi yang satu ini bisa dibilang lumayan mengena, soalnya sebenarnya bukannya makanannya ga enak, tapi beberapa macam makanan enak yang digabung jadi satu menjadi sesuatu yang sangat... uh.... absurd.
Apalagi makanan ini dihidangkan justru di tempat makan favorit gw, yaitu Kancil alias Kantin Psi(ci)kologi....

Ceritanya, siang itu sehabis latian paduan suara gw pergi ke Kancil dengan makanan enak sudah terbayang di kepala. Tapi karena waktu itu masih bulan puasa dan udah siang banget, warung yang buka tinggal satu. Karena kemarennya udah pernah makan di warung itu dan rasanya lumayan, jadilah gw oke-oke aja pesen di situ lagi. Tapi waktu gw tanya, ternyata ayam, udang, cumi, daging, dan segala macem lauk sudah habis, tinggal rollade daging yang tampangnya ga enak dan suatu ikan yang lupa jenisnya. Mungkin karena pas puasa dia satu-satunya yang buka, jadilah dia kena serbu dan gw cuma kebagian sisanya.

Karena punya feeling dagingnya ga enak dan lagi males makan ikan, akhirnya gw cuma pesen cah kangkung plus nasi, karena menurut pengalaman kemaren di cah kangkungnya ada ayam kecil-kecil dan dia bilang klo ayam yang buat cah kangkung masih ada.

Jadilah gw nunggu pesanan gw itu... lama....

Lalu tiba-tiba masnya dateng ke gw dan bilang "Maaf mbak, ayamnya bener-bener abis, tinggal ikan doang, ga ada yang lain. Mau sama ikan bakar aja?" Hmmm, karena kemarennya bokap udah pesen ikan bakar kecapnya dan rasanya lumayan enak, ya udah deh daripada ga ada lauk, toh harganya dia bilang masih sama. Lalu nunggu lagi. Lama lagi.

Awalnya Kancil rame, bahkan sempet ketemu Dea IPS ma Vensi di sana..
Tapi satu per satu orang-orang pada pergi, tinggalah gw sendirian...

Dan makanan yang muncul pun tidak membantu.

Saat masnya dateng buat nganterin makanan.... jreng jreng jreng!
"Maaf ya mbak, nasinya juga habis, jadi diganti french fries....."


cah kangkung + french fries + ikan bakar kecap?

Ditambah lagi kebetulan gw bawa minumnya Pocari Sweat dan toko-toko minumannya udah pada tutup semua...

Jadilah gw makan semua makanan tadi sambil minum Pocari Sweat ^^;;;

cah kangkung + french fries + ikan bakar kecap + Pocari Sweat?


Bon Appetit...!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Helen Keller is Watching Over Us

Oprah said that the key to a succesful relationship is communication.

But how do you communicate, when you can't hear and you can't see?
Helen Keller had passed the test. But can they?

A young journalist who loved drawing got a new assignment today from her new boss. That was, to interview a trumpetist from a local jazz band. She didn't know him, she had no interest in music, actually.

What the new boss didn't know was that the young journalist's ears hadn't been responsive ever since she'd been born. But the young journalist was not in the mood to argue the new boss, indeed she wasn't so open about her disability, she didn't like people to worry more than they should be.

So she decided to just take the plunge, and she strolled to the café where the band usually played. Just a few words, she thought, and all done. She had called her coworker to help too, for, you know, the musical part.

But as God and Keller watched over her, the twist of fate smiled. She couldn't interview the man by herself, well, at least for the first time. The trumpetist was young, and blind.

But they would both develop an interest of each other, in a very different way.

A music-lover man who couldn't see. An art-lover woman who couldn't hear.
They were taking the test to prove that this cliché quote was once again correct :
That love knows no barriers.


NB : The title is not the fixed title of this story, I'm just inspired by a Japanese anime title, Maria-sama ga Miteru, that means The Virgin Mary is Watching Over Us :)
Tell me your opinion!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shin Layout!

Well I know it's not even a month since I first created this blog, but surely the old layout needed a little bit of tune up~

So, here I am with a shin (new) layout, more like what I've imagined it to be!

I hope you like it as much as I do, though there are few things that I'd like to edit later, like the font color in the archive section (not the archive title), I think it's too bright. I gotta find out how to edit it!

Enjoy~! New posts coming ^o^

Trivia : Press F11 and scroll down, see more of the beautiful image I got from my dear Google :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tipe-tipe Suporter Bola

Berdasarkan observasi selama World Cup kemarin dan selama menjadi penikmat bola, rasanya suporter bola bisa dikategorikan menjadi berbagai golongan :

1. Suporter Terlalu Setia
Terlalu setia alias..... fanatik. Sangat fanatik mendukung salah satu negara atau klub bola. Pokoknya tim gw yang paling keren! Mau timnya sedang bagus atau jelek, di mata sang suporter permainannya selalu bagus. Mau orang-orangnya bersih atau bermasalah, di lidah sang suporter selalu saja ada pembenaran tersendiri.

2. Suporter Terlalu Realistis
Suporter tipe ini bisa berbalik membenci tim yang awalnya dia dukung sendiri gara-gara permainan yang jelek atau orang-orangnya yang bermasalah. Bisa juga sampai agak ekstrem, yaitu justru mendukung tim lawan atau mem-blackmail anggota tim yang dianggap biang kerok kekalahan. Contohnya adalah pendukung Perancis yang malah mendukung Afrika Selatan
saat laga Perancis vs Afrika Selatan.

Finally : A Blog!

Well, just as it says in the title, finally a blog for me!
It's late, I know people have been making blog since the megalitkhum age (exaggeration), but as the saying goes, "Better late than never", I guess it's never too late to start a blog.

Some of you may or may not know that I'm really fond of writings, either reading them or imagining me writing them. Now, I guess, it's time for me to take a step further than just imagining them :3

I'll write about everything (almost, maybe), because I simply adore everything. To those who thinks you've known me well, beware!
Sometimes I'll write in English, sometimes in Indonesian. Why? Because I believe that some things are better said in English, some are better in Indonesian, and some are better not to be said at all ^^

As for the layout.... Not too fond with it, but bear with me. I'm still figuring out a lot of things at blogger!

So well, keep up with me if you like :)
(I'd appreciate it if you do so!)
I hope you enjoy reading my writings like I enjoy writing them!